Control Core Angel
Control Core Angel

Welcome to Control Core Angel!

This is my little site. I'm not great at HTML or CSS, so my site is largely built on Tumblr codes and existing sites.
Click on Navigate to go travel to other pages!
If anything here is broken, please let me know!

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Follow me on my socials!

the Devolved Grey Fweese
Quiet, adventurous
Battling, exploring, Lurns
Bright lights

Starbeam the Light Lurn
Adopted from Angel's NeuroGalaxy Archive

hi there!!!
My name is
I am...
activist, ally, androgynous, android, angel, animal lover, artsy, autistic, bubbly, caring, child, chubby, complex, creative, creature, cuddly, cute, different, disabled, dreamer, dude, eccentric, fag, fat, feminist, freak, friend, friendly, full of love, furry, gay, gay-friendly, genderqueer, homo, homo-romantic, homoflexible, homosexual, hyper-sexual, intelligent, introvert, kid, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, leftist, lesbian, liberal, loving, Mx., misrepresented, misunderstood, NEVER!, nerd, no thank you, obsessed, odd, otherkin, out, passionate, passive, platonic, plural, polyamorous, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-sex feminist, queer, queer liberationist, queer-friendly, quiet, quirky, Socialist, same gender loving, sapphist, sensitive, shy, socialist, survivor, sweet, trans, trans-friendly, trans-loving, transgender, transmasculine, transsexual, trustworthy, understanding, weird, whatever, who cares
Who are you?
buttons go brrrr

Best viewed on Firefox at 1280x800!
If Webamp is in the way you can drag it lol.