Angel's Medical Journal

My journal for all things related to my medical experiences. Being chronically ill sucks, man.


Talking Shop

Jan 24, 2025

Hey, few people who read these posts. Been a few months.
I'm not doing any better, and considering cancelling my plans for KamiCon this year just so I can continue resting. The source of my back pain is still unknown, and at this point is presumed to be my RA.

A bit ago my neck began getting really, really stiff and painful. A course of steroids will make it go away, but you have to build that stuff up for a few days to have it be effective. Arthritis really is a bitch, and your neck is a series of joints you take for granted until suddenly it hurts like fucking hell. You really underestimate how much is going on in there and how much work it does. I'm not sure how to describe the sensation of severe neck arthritis other than it feels like your neck is like, stuck shoved into your body? Like you're a whack-a-mole, and the hammer has hit you so your neck gets shoved in between your shoulders like a cartoon.

The neurologist was a fluke. My first one was anti-vax, which, how the fuck do you become a doctor for patients with chronic illness and be fucking anti-vax? Still, she ordered some critical vitamin labs and a NCS. NCS returned normal (I nearly fainted and I never want to have a needle shoved into my leg ever again, the thought makes me squirm) but my vitamin labs showed something I'd really just joked about having for years- a vitamin D deficiency.
Obviously, I went to another neurologist for a second opinion. He had nothing. At least I'm in the UAB medical system now, which is where I've wanted to be for some time.

So I'm taking supplements in case this is something like osteomalacia (rickets), which my GP doubts it is, but extra vitamin D will not hurt. I have always walked with a notable "waddle", which is a symptom of osteomalacia and my primary concern with it if it's softening my leg bones.

So, my rheumatologist has ordered biologics- proper immunosuppressants. However, my insurance denied the prescription, and we need to wait for an appeal to be accepted before I can begin treatment. This may take months, it took nearly half a year for my abuela to get similar drugs approved, and she was in her fucking 80s.
So fuck me, I guess! I will probably go the full span of this semester without proper treatment, and have to suffer my back absolutely fucking everything up all the time always. Thankfully, I really only have to come to campus on Wednesdays, since I actually could pick classes at the same time as the rest of the seniors, I got dibs on an online course and am able to spare my body the fucking trek.
But fuckkkk me art deadlines are hell, and the BA show is THE FIRST ONE!!! You're telling me I have to try and finish a BJD before then? (I don't have to, but I want to.)

More recently, I've had no appetite (literally ZERO) since the year started, I think. Which is fine, I need to lose some weight. I'm just worried I'm not getting proper nutrition.

This update would probably have more substance if I had written this in tandem with an appointment or something, but it's been a bit and it's really all just a blur. My medical bills are getting kinda yikes, and I've still got no support from my absent father in that field (it's always daddy issues huh?).
Ummmm, I'm making kandi on my Etsy now? Or maybe commission me on Ko-fi or buy me a soda there? I need to fund my really expensive toy-collecting hobby that is getting more-and-more driven by stress therapy bills and fucking co-pays to doctors.

Everything, cont.

Aug 14, 2024

Heyyy guys. It's been a little while.
I am getting worse. Despite being enrolled in physical therapy, my back continues to flare up and my arthritis locks up my joints.
I'm sitting here in bed with the worst nausea, despite taking 2 entire zofrans.

I did find my miracle painkiller in the end- 800mg ibuprofen. I know, right? We try all this shit- the naproxen, the prednisone (which we even tried boosting), a steroid shot, the pregabalin, the cymbalta, the hydrocodone... God, it gave me nothing. Relief was a distant dream.
But then I remembered my uncle's old bottle of military-issue ibuprofen. 800mg, though its old, so its probably more like 600. That first day I took it... wow. It was the most relief I've felt in months.

So I've been regularly taking it. The pills are huge and I hate them, but they're the only thing keeping me steady. Of course, as NSAIDs do, it's lost effectiveness over time. I may need to swap to another drug, but things like naproxen haven't given me the same relief, even at higher doses. I may request 500mg naproxen, knowing how well 1000mg did for me back in high school (don't take 1000mg of naproxen, kids, that's its LD50. my liver is just built different).

My MRIs showed nothing. I have the discs so my rheuma can see them, but I doubt she'll see anything. My thorasic spine of course had the most abnormalities, but they were just like, my scoliosis curve and my RA eroding the joints. There's some intrusions to the spinal cord and bulges/dehydration of discs attributed to scoliosis, but they're so minor they're likely not the culprit.
If it's not my brain, and it's not my spine, what is it?
We know it's neurologic in nature, and we know it's full-body.

I might have found another theory. B12.
My blood panels always come back clean, unless you're looking at my ANA (which has increased 3-fold, yikes), so no one every really catches something wrong with me. My vitamin levels are steady.
However, I read a study. Recently released, it tested patients with neurological symptoms typical of B12 deficiency who had normal B12 levels in their blood. A spinal tap revealed, however, no B12 in their spinal fluid. It wasn't crossing the blood-brain barrier.
It was caused by an antibody that was targetting the receptors B12 binds to. It's autoimmune. They fixed this problem with immunosuppressants, IVIG, and B12 supplements.
Here's an article on it, if you're interested.
So I wonder if that's me. Lupus-like symptoms, neuroinflammation, everything resulting in neurologic symptoms. I fit the bill.

I need a spinal tap anyway. I'm finally booked for a neurologist, but it's in late September, because the nurse put me down as low-priority because I didn't sound in pain on the call. What the fuck, dude?

I'm out of lexapro, too. Which sadly I need to FUNCTION. That drug is my lifeline. I'm taking my secondary to try and soften the blow, and it's mostly working. So I'm a bit more depressed than usual, and I've caught myself in a few spirals.

School starts on the 21st. I need to go, lest I lose my teach-out. I need to finish.
Luckily, they seem much more accommodating than my old college was. I have to take it easy on my body, but I'm mostly worried about walking around campus.
I need to start wearing that new back brace...
And masking again. I think if I got COVID again, I'd be functionally dead. This spike in cases is scaring me.

My rheuma plans to up me to a biologic when I see her next. I need a miracle drug, and I need answers. I'm on the end of my rope here, and fighting for recognition and respect from medical staff is exhausting.
I can't even go to the ER anymore, dude. They just refuse to look into it, refuse to monitor me, etc. The last doctor just lectured me about exercise. I told him I have CFS/ME. He goes "oh but CFS/ME improves with exercise" which has been debunked for fucking YEARS. I hate that people still fucking believe that. No, Karen, it makes us WORSE.
They put me down as "no clear distress". I was curled up on the bed sobbing. I'm pretty sure that's distress.
Doctors just fucking hate chronically ill people, especially if they're young.

I know my state of mind is fucked up right now because I'm off my SSRI, but goood I need a fucking miracle.
I'll take anything at this point. I want them to chase the vague stuff. I need to know what's wrong with me, even if they can't fix it.


May 17, 2024

Hiii I'm back from my MRIs. As those of you who follow my posts regularly know, this appointment was rescheduled so it happened today instead of when it was supposed to.
Brain, neck, and lower spine. They stuck me with contrast. It's really cool how fast modern MRIs are, I remember my first brain MRI. It took hours. I was only in here for maybe an hour 30 tops, and they did four scans!
So that's pretty cool. Thank you, modern medicine.

So, um, other than that...

This morning wasn't good. I had an IBS attack shortly after waking up (I drank too many Cokes... oops), and when I went to the restroom to sort it out, I suddenly felt extremely, extremely faint. My hearing went and my ears rang. I decided, I need to lay down. I need to go to bed.
I stood up. Weakness. I stumble out the door, and suddenly I'm blind. By the time I reach my bedroom door on memory, I'm disoriented and my legs can't hold me anymore. I fell to the floor, luckily in a sitting position that didn't result in injury.
I didn't even make it to my bed.

A good thing to do when you're in a state like this is breathe deeply. I could feel my heart pounding, but I had to keep steady breath. Maybe it was better to go back to the bathroom.
So I tried. It happened again. I hit the floor in the bathroom with the same hearing loss and blindness and weakness, and pain harshly starting to tear at my back.
I sat and breathed with my head hung for a while, until I felt okay enough to stand back up. Shaky legs, but the fainting was gone.

I went back to bed to lay down and recover. Then the extreme pain that started this whole 3-week ordeal came back.

It's a burning pain, like you're on fire beneath the skin. It's severe, running up the spine and into the shoulder muscles. But it was ripping at my whole back, and the burn spread to my upper legs and head. Suddenly, I was out for the count.

Luckily, my mom returned at a great time, and I had taken a hydrocodone while I was in the restroom as I had already felt the burning start to creep. She brought me ice packs for my back, which helped immensely. Cooling off the burn in my back slowly but surely reduced the burn in the other areas of my body, until the hydrocodone kicked in and I was a lot better. I even ate some!

So, it's been a bad day. I'm really weak, and with another attack of that severe burning I once again worry that I may have to ask my GP for hydrocodone. I only have a limited supply, but it's doing the heavy lifting of getting rid of the pain. But my painkillers just aren't cutting it... They only reduce the pain a little bit, even when I take all of them together like I am.

I'm gonna rest a while. I need sleep.
I've been sleeping so poorly lately... My body is definitely acting like it's sick.

Back Pain, Nerve Issues, + Emergency GP Visit

May 10, 2024

Back in the shithole we go. After I was recovering a little bit and things were looking up, BAM. I woke up about two weeks ago with SEVERE, BURNING back pain. It's not the worst pain I've felt, but it was up there. I really should've gone to the ER, but my mom was being difficult.
Since, I've been almost completely bedbound. The pain is a constant agony, and while it's improved somewhat, it's not going away and spikes at random. I can't even do the most menial tasks, standing and sitting up for extended periods hurts.
I'm taking practically all my painkillers daily to try and get relief. They're doing very little. I've had to take a few hydrocodones it's gotten so bad.

So, what's up?
My emergency appointment with my GP was Tuesday. He was the most freaked out and scared he's ever looked, the poor guy. It did not help ease my anxieties. I did my best to joke with him as I usually do, but his brows never unfurrowed, and the sad look in his eyes wouldn't go away.

We're thinking this is a continuation of my nerve issues. It's either my spine or my brain. Something is wrong at the very roots of my nervous system that it spreads to the whole body.
It doesn't help that I've had left side muscle weakness lately. When it's both sides, it's not a thing to worry much about. But on one side specifically, that's a serious sign of something wrong with the brain. When I told my GP about it, his jaw practically hit the floor.

I'm 22. I'm too young to reasonably have strokes. You think I'd remember if I had one, too. I've seen strokes, and I don't recall having something like that. Unfortunately, it's on the table.
Also on the table are a spinal injury, neurodenegerative diseases, brain injury or disease, and a few other things, none of which are good. The literal best case scenario is that this is a spinal injury that has gone unnoticed. Sadly, due to the way I've deteriorated over the years, this looks neurodegenerative.

I have 3 MRIs lined up for Monday. Brain and neck. If they show nothing, we move to spine.
They need to show something. I'm tired of all my imaging being typical when I'm experiencing a health issue.

As usual, I just want answers. My medical situation is always a fucking incomprehensible mess. They should do a case study on me (/hj).
I want answers and probably some more painkillers. I hurt bad, man.

Immunosuppressants: Day 0

Apr 1, 2024

On the first day of April my rheuma gave to me...

A bottle of hydroxychloroquine!!!

The past few days have been hard for a lot of reasons, but mostly due to my pain. It's getting hard to sleep, and my psychosis is acting up. Meclizine can only do so much for my severe dizziness, so walking around has been difficult. I find myself motionsick after slight turns.
Today my legs were wobbly and almost caved without my rollator. I'm in agony and really need a break.

Thankfully, my rheuma sent in my immunosuppressants and until they kick in, a 30-60 day round of steroids to keep my pain as minimal as possible.

This is such a big win. I'm so excited to feel painless again.

New Rheumatologist

Mar 11, 2024

Before I start, in late Feb I got COVID. That marks my second infection. I got concerned when I began experiencing brain fog and took a test. Positive. It started with three DAYS of severe, nonstop migraine.
It lasted the full two weeks and knocked me out of school for the time. Luckily I'm back now, still catching up...
But that's not the important bit.

I saw my new rheumatologist! The bloodwork results are in and my lymphocytes are high (as literally always), my liver function is a little low (this is new but it's probably just my drugs as my cocktail has gotten significantly larger), and I'm positive for a protein that erodes joints. My ANA is still positive, but I don't know if it's increased or decreased.

I've had my fibromyalgia confirmed, and she's suspecting I may have early stage rheumatoid arthritis. My mom is also showing signs, and my abuela also had this (thank you for not telling me MOM), so it's looking likely.

All my fucking white blood cells are attacking my joints! Probably, anyway. They're attacking SOMETHING.

I'm on a run of steroids to see if I respond, as if I react (which I am), it confirms I'm autoimmune. I've been almost pain-free for nearly this whole week I've been on them. Very high-energy and happy! I took the first of my last two doses today, and the exhaustion is coming back. I'll miss feeling how I did when I was on the higher doses. If that's what normal feels like, I want that every day of my life.

Hopefully immunosuppressants will do that for me.


Jan 3, 2024

We're back from Florida. My GP has suggested magnesium and potassium supplements to rule out an inbalance causing my leg issues. But my mom and I both caught a horrific cold on the 1st.
I'm so fucking tiiiired. My fever is through the roof but I'm flipping between being hot as hell and cold as fuck.

Scythe PHIGHTING! release sooner so I can ignore my issues pleeeeaseeeee

Leg Pain

Dec 25, 2023

On the 23rd my legs locked up the worst they ever have. It was throbbing pain from the knees down and the muscles lock up making movement difficult and painful. I couldn't stand for more than 2 minutes without suffering about it. My feet were blue. I was miserable at 4 AM, when the pain was the worst, so much I was considering going to the ER.

They still hurt, just not as bad. My bad knee is getting the brunt of it. When I helped my mom pack a little bit today, I lost feeling in my ankles and feet. I don't trust myself walking, though.

Guess I'll be in a wheelchair when we get to the airport...

Colonoscopy + Endoscopy

Nov 9, 2023


Got colonoscopy done. I'm probably allergic to something in the first part of the prep they gave it, it gave me awful full body pain.
I'm out and I'm good now though. Just very tired.

Nothing too serious. Some acid damage and some inflammation. I just need to lay off the sodas, and my meds may be causing a lot of acidity too so I'm expecting to get more meds to help with that.

Annual Visit

Jun 12, 2023

Feelin' a ton better after purging a lot of backup. All the pain related to constipation is gone, but now I'm stuck with the sharp pain sites on my lower abdomen. My antibiotics are in- they're these HUGE pills, so we'll see if that clears any of it up. It's probably not an infection, knowing what I know now, but may as well be safe than sorry. I alllways show inflammatory markers, that's just undiagnosed immune disorder baby!!!

My annual with my GP brought to light some potential causes the ER didn't. I had massive high levels of... something important in the digestive area, which the ER failed to tell me. Turns out it's PROBABLY my gallbladder having issues, maybe causing a backup into my pancreas and thus making my whoooole lower digestives unhappy. My colon is fucking PISSED but when is it not? I've got IBS, that thing always hurts.

My veins are having a shitty time behaving with the phlebotomists though. Normally they're great, but since my second ER visit they've been difficult. They had to stab me lower down on the arm than normal, and it was one of the worst draws I've had yet, suuuper woozy. They broke a vessel too, I have a bruise.

Visit to the OBGYN is next, and my GP wants ultrasounds to rule out my ovaries being bastards. Part of me hopes it's them so I can get them removed, they're all cystic anyway. Also he may be able to get a glance at the pancreas and gallbladder with them. One week after that, I have ANOTHER normal ultrasound to check on the gallbladder. If things come to it and something shows, I'll most likely have this thing removed.

Another family history point, I guess, misbehaving gallbladders. I'm a little more predisposed than my abuela was though.

My GP's awesome though, and let's hope he's right.

ER Visit 2

Jun 8, 2023

After eating a little in the morning I immediately had the worst pain yet. I attempted to take a hydrocodone for it and immediately coughed it up. Trying again, I threw it up as well as a lot of the water I'd just drank. Begged my mom to take me back to the ER, but I had to wait till my abuela's appointment with the nurse was through- she ran an hour late. I curled up in my bed and suffered- lower back pain, dizziness, stomachache, with all the previous symptoms from before. I was miserable.

ER was very populated and we waited another 5-6 hours to get called back. Presented with a resting heart rate of 130 BPM, higher than even my normal tachycardia rhythm. Nearly passed out in the lobby after, breaking out in a massive cold sweat.

Felt better after a nap, but was starving. We waited... and waited...

Finally got called back at around midnight. Xray showed constipation, urinanalysis showed an infection. They gave me morphine again, and despite me saying it did nothing for me and the nurse saying it wouldn't burn because he diluted it... it still burned, and it still did nothing.

It's assumed it's just really bad constipation. Prescribed antibiotics and a strict regiment of powerful laxatives... They make the visocity of water horrible, but my mom and I figured mixing them into smoothies may take away the issue. We'll try tomorrow.

Hopefully this is the issue and it's not just another misdiagnosis. If I need to go back, we're gonna try a hospital more close to the city...

ER Visit Updates

Jun 7, 2023

Got rushed to the ER on the 4th for severe abdominal pain. Probably something PCOS related but they found nothing. I was dehydrated even after they pumped an entire bag of saline into me and I've been dehydrated ever since. Nothing quenches it.

Blood tests, urinalysis, and a CT scan showed nothing. Everything looked fine, as always. Medical staff were stumped again. So after filling me with saline, zofran, morphine (which I don't respond to, turns out), and eventually hydrocodone-acetaminophen, I was sent home with a hydrocodone-acetaminophen prescription. But heyyy I still got good veins I guess, but it doesn't stop me from bleeding like a motherfucker every time they stab me to get in there.

Three days later and I still feel like shit. I cannot physically go downstairs and leaving my room is difficult as is as I've gotten dizzy lately. Opiates get rid of most of the pain, not all of it, but it also makes me super dazed, tired, and sometimes incoherent (that's also the exhaustion). My sleep is super fucked and I'm on a pattern where I'm really only asleep when the drugs knock me out.

Shit hurts. It's since morphed into a sharp pain in my lower left side with a smaller spot of sharp pain on the right. The first day using the restroom nearly made me faint each time.

I'm genuinely surprised and mildly upset that I wasn't brought into inpatient for monitoring. Admittedly I should probably go back because I'm not improving. It's just a matter of getting my mom to listen to me because she's the one who drives. But she wants me to wait two more days or something.
