
イクイバレント (Ikuibarento)
Kitto, Zutto, Bocchi.
(the embed is miy_yuu's cover sorry not sorry)


Two lovers illuminated by the moonlight
Proposal from the man who erased all the noise
Reminiscing about the day I exploited all my weakness,
I cut and paste it

What I present here is a proof,
And the price is two possessed people
Bound by triangular sleep paralysis
Kidnap yourself

Left with a sword I couldn’t use,
One word and arm at a time
The night dawns brightly
Painted with cold hardness of self,
Legitimate and acceptable
“Ah, that’s enough. A world like this-”

Just like this,
Tightly hold it, stick it, stab it
The touch remains on my palm, the image collapses,
The reason crumbles
Sleeping in an unstoppable dreamscape,
I wake up right there
“I had a dream”

The shaking world, blurring the words
Yelling at my back as I walk away
Ah, I can’t really find out the answer,
So I’m fine with this, right?
Answer me

Tearing rain, darkening down my back
Waves of time return, the bell chimes
The depths of our dream where us two laughed on that day
There’s still a long way to go before we intersect
The sound of my heels on the meandering landscape
I’d realized they’d melted away

I twisted onto and crawled on my right side,
Black leaning close and crying bored, yet still exhilarating
Only one side has moved closer
Only one-sided moves close in
I pushed and pulled and swayed and collapsed
“From the beginning.”

Two lovers illuminated by the moonlight
Proposal from the man who erased all the noise
Reminiscing about the day I exploited all my weakness,
I cut and paste it

What I present here is a proof,
And the price is two possessed people
Bound by triangular sleep paralysis
Kidnap yourself


Translation Notes

There's a lot of liberties I had to take with this one. Sorry chat.
It's still better than my old translyrics for Alma, at least...

Woooo it's a song about love and the horrors of sleep disorders.
Possession and mental illness are sort of a very easy connection to make. Our lovers here (our "two possessed people"), I imagine the ones in the art, are likely sufferers of some sort of sleep disorder.

My translation of 金縛り三角環図 is a bit of a toughie. Originally I had this line translated as "Bound by gold in the triangular color wheel", since at the time my translation was implying color via "circle diagram" (環図), but it's since changed to focus more on sleep paralysis (金縛り), which makes more sense in the theme of this song.

Okay, this one is really just me. "Dispel", 解呪 (kaiju), reads a lot like "monster", 怪獣 (kaijū). You can sorta argue here that the experience this character is going through is sort of a personal monster (sleep paralysis hallucinations?), but this is a biiit of a stretch considering I'm less familiar with this artist's work.

黒側 ("black side") is likely a reference to sleep or unconsciousness. Here, it's personified, crying a bored noise that both scares and exhilirates our protagonist. They're certainly afraid of sleep.
また片色寄っちゃった is actually, more accurately, "Only one color has moved closer". Our previously-mentioned color black. I kinda took a little liberty here and made a little chess joke.