Angel's NeuroGalaxy Archive
01:04 PM NG Time
Welcome to NeuroGalaxy!
NeuroGalaxy is a virtual pet site with a growing community. Create a pet, recruit a Mercenary, roam NeuroGalaxy and feel the wrath of BunnyJorick! 59460 People have joined the fun. You should do the same!

The sky is the limit; go beyond!

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[UserFoozard] Hia :)
[Userwhitewidow] Hello??
[UserPrettymimigirl] its 11:25 here so im gonna go to sleep
[UserPrettymimigirl] welll good night to you all
[UserPrettymimigirl] my mercs are almost identical
[UserPrettymimigirl] lol
[UserFoozard] I am the soldier of fortune! >:D
[UserMistWing] Sorry Mimi. Tab surfing
[UserPrettymimigirl] :(
[UserPrettymimigirl] hello?
[UserPrettymimigirl] anyone got a veodion plushie for trade?
[UserPrettymimigirl] hi *yawn*
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