pandycanes] On Meira, I mean

pandycanes] Ahhh, I love how the Boa looks kinda like hair OAO

Axicalg] thanks x)

Peyelle] Fausto looks like a girl. :U

Jenn] awesome portugal is awesome!!

Axicalg] thanks :)

Jenn] and to heal it every 30 mins you can go to the shops and click on the fountian it will heal your pet. also any drink can heal it

Axicalg] portugal :)

Becca] green yellow and red potions all heal your pet, but so does just resting in roasm

Jenn] haha its ok! hey if you dont mind me asking where are you from?

Axicalg] im so annoying, but how can I heal my pet? (what potion?)

Axicalg] Thanks :3