{{poke.entry_number.toString().padStart(4, "0")}}.
- {{pokemon.name}}
- {{pokemon.name}}
- {{type.type.name}}
- WT: {{pokemon.weight}} KG
- HT:: {{pokemon.height}} M


{{poke.hp}}/ {{poke.hp}}
Twitch Plays Pokemon is a Twitch channel with the unique gimmick of viewer-controlled Pokemon games. It gained widespread media attention, achieved a Guiness World Record, and popularized the "Twitch Plays" style of content.

TPP continues to this day playing all sorts of Pokemon games, with "seasons" of Pokemon Battle Revolution in between.

Between games, TPP plays Pokemon Battle Revolution. This is my favorite time to play TPP!
PBR seasons pit players against each other in Pokemon battles that players can bet on and control (most of the time). Whoever wins gets a payout, rinse and repeat!
PBR has a variety of metagames and gimmicks that make battles interesting. Here's some of my favorites:

Clone: All Pokemon look identical, but otherwise keep their moves, stats, etc.