- - Pet Mouse Fanciers - A forum dedicated to everything and all things mousekeeping! I adooore PMF.
- - Health Packet - Supplies, neutering, medicating, circling, + parasite info.
- - Wild Mouse Care - So, you came across a wild mouse. What to do and how to release it.
- - Itching + Hair Loss - Common causes for fur loss.
- - Sexing - How to sex your mice.
- - Why Mesh Wheels Are Safe - I'm often accused of animal abuse because I own a mesh wheel. In reality, they're perfectly safe to use. Here's why.
- - Proper Housing - Proper long-term housing for mice.
- - Cage Size Calculator - A super handy calculator that can tell how you how many mice you can house with your given cage space!
- - Bedding - Types of beddings and their pros and cons.
- - Why Housing Males Together is Bad - Photos of the aftermath of males being housed together. TW: GRAPHIC PHOTOS
- - Housing Mice Together - Info on housing 2+ mice together.
- - Handling + Taming - How to socialize a mouse.
- - Safe Foods - Safe and unsafe foods, though this varies on the mouse.
- - Varieties of Mice - Mouse genes, coat colors, markings, and traits.
- - Mouse Genetics - If you really want to get into the nitty-gritty!
- - Zen Mousery Mouse Genetics - Mouse coat colors!
- - Zen Mousery Care - Info on care for your mouse.
- - Finn's Mouse Site Genetics - More genetics!
- - Table of Genes - Every gene and what they do!
- - Kippenjungle Calculator - A calculator where you can input two mice's genes to see what their offspring can be.
- - Official Standard of AFRMA Fancy Mices - More coat type and color notes.
- - JAX Mice Coat Color Guide - Coat color genetic visual guide.